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Lawyer in Hell

Comedy Joke Title:Lawyer in Hell
Joke Description:

One day, a Chicago lawyer died. He went to the gates of Hell to receive his eternal punishment. The Devil called his servant and told him too take the lawyer to the deepest, hottest pit, get the heaviest sledgehammer and the hardest rocks, and put him to work. The servant did as he was told.The servant decided to check on him an hour later. When he got there, the lawyer was smiling and whistling while he worked. Confused, he asked the man, "Are you enjoying this?"The lawyer replied, "When I was a child I worked on a farm with my father. This actually brings back a lot of good memories."The servant thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers and the deep, hot pit turned into an arctic environment."Maybe this will be a little less satisfying!" said the servant happily.An hour later, the servant went to check on the lawyer and saw that he was still smiling and whistling! "Why are you still happy?" he asked."Well," replied the lawyer, "it's cold day in Hell, the Bears must have won the Superbowl!"

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