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The Top 14 Least Successful Fad Diets

Comedy Joke Title:The Top 14 Least Successful Fad Diets
Joke Description:

14> The Fatkins Diet

13> The Michael Jackson Diet: lamb and veal on a bed of whitefish

12> The Guiltily and Secretly Indulging Every Between-Meals Craving and Believing It's Okay Because You Eat Small, Unsatisfying Meals and Besides It's Impossible to Gain Weight Once You've Told Everybody You Know You're on a Diet Diet

11> The Bucket Diet: Chew all you want. Swallow nothing.

10> The Cicada Diet: Gorge yourself, have sex, then sleep for 17 years.

9> Southwest Airlines Frequent Flyer Diet: After having to pay for two seats a couple of times, you'll slim your fat ass down.

8> The "Fear Factor" Diet: easy to watch, difficult to swallow

7> The I Only Eat on Days That End in "Y" Diet

6> South Beached Whale Diet: Eat until you're a blubbering idiot.

5> SlumFast: Eat only what your daily allotment of food stamps will buy.

4> Ruben Studdard's Sing the Pounds Off Plan

3> HBO Diet: What we want to feed you, when we want to feed you. And you'll be endlessly grateful for it, too.

2> The Un-Brando Diet: Share meals with Marlon Brando; eat everything he doesn't.

1> The Anna Nicole Diet: Nothing but well-aged pork.

[ The Top 5 List www.topfive.com ]
[ Copyright 2004 by Chris White ]

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