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Drug dealers vs Software developers

Comedy Joke Title:Drug dealers vs Software developers
Joke Description:

Refer to their clients as "users" Refer to their clients as "users" "The first one's free!" " Download a free trial version..." Have important overseas connections (to help move the stuff) Have important overseas connections (to help debug the code) Strange jargon: "Stick," "Rock," "Dime bag," "E" Strange jargon: "SCSI," "RTFM," "Java," "ISDN" Realize that there's tons of cash in the 15- to 20-year-old market Realize that there's tons of cash in the 15- to 20-year-old market Job is assisted by the industry's producing newer, more potent mixes Job is assisted by industry's producing newer, faster machines Often seen in the company of pimps and hustlers Often seen in the company of marketing people and venture capitalists Their product causes unhealthy addictions DOOM. Quake. SimCity. Duke Nukem 'Nuff said Do your job well, and you can sleep with movie stars who depend on you Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!

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