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Camping Trip

Comedy Joke Title:Camping Trip
Joke Description:

Two guys have been camping in the woods for over a week and are
beginning to get a little annoyed with each other. One says to
the other, "Today we should spend some time apart. You hike to
the north, I'll hike to the south and then we will meet back
here and discuss our hikes over a campfire."

The day turns to night and the two men meet at the campsite and
one says to the other, "So,how was your day?"

"Oh, it was fabulous. I hiked towards the south, down into the
valley and swam in this crystal blue stream and laid out in the
sun until I was dry. When I woke up I saw a deer drinking from
the stream and it was the most serene vision I have ever had.
How was your day?"

The other camper says, "Well, I hiked north and came upon these
railroad tracks. I followed them until I found this woman tied
to the tracks so I untied her and we had sex all day long, in
every position imaginable. It was the best sex I ever had and
when we just couldn't do it anymore, I hiked back here."

The other camper responds, "Wow! your day was much better than
mine! Did you get a blowjob too?"

"Nah, I couldn't find her head."

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