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Bin Ladin

Comedy Joke Title:Bin Ladin
Joke Description:

These for people in a car were speeding at 95 miles per hour,
then 100, then 110!

they heard these sirens from behind so the went faster 112 miles
per hour, then 120 miles per hour! the coppers were still
chasing them, so they took a sidetrail and got away. The
policeman said they'll be back.

Two hours later they found the car wrapped around a tree, but
there were only three in there now, so he went over there to
talk to them.

"Hey!, do you know how fast you were going on that freeway? well
tell me your names anyway.

the driver said "Bin Drinkin", the other person in the front
said "Bin Smokin", and they guy in the back said "Bin Screwin"
The policeman replied "weren't there four of you in the car?"

"Yeah, He Ran off into the Woods somewhere hiding from you, He's
name is Bin Ladin!"

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