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The Genie

Comedy Joke Title:The Genie
Joke Description:

A blonde was walking along the beach when she finds an old bottle floating in the water. The blonde goes over and picks it up and notices a cork in the top of the bottle. She pulls out the cork and a genie pops out.
"Thankyou for letting me out after 10000 years, stuck in that bottle and to say thankyou I will give you 3 wishes.
The blonde thinks for a little while and finally decides on her first wish.
"I would like to be 10% smarter"
The genie does her magic and she is turned into a red head.
"I don't think I am smart enough yet, I would like to be 100% smarter than what I am"
So the Genie does her magic a second time and she turns in to a brunette.
"I don't think I am smart enough yet I would like to be 1000% smarter than what I am"
So the genie turns her into a man!

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