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Who's Child?

Comedy Joke Title:Who's Child?
Joke Description:

James and Beverly Jenkins had been married for twelve years when they mutually agreed to end it and get divorced. After the divorce was granted, that same day, as they stood facing each other for what could be the last time, James asked Beverly if she would mind him asking one last question. "Not at all, go right ahead," she replied.

"Well, their is one thing that has always bother me. We have five kids with brown hair but youngest one, little Jimmy, has blonde hair. So, please tell me, whose kid is Jimmy?"

"I just can't tell you, James. The answer would hurt you too much."

"I'll be fine. Now that we're divorced, finding out whoever Jimmy came from can't hurt me too much."

"Well, if it's that important to you...Jimmy is your child."

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